
Monday, July 18, 2005

Yes, I did die in the london bombing, but no, that's not the reason i've beeen absent from this blog. I've been ill, poorly, sick as a sack of gone off shit - i've also been poor, too poor to waste my time writing for non-paying customers when i could be, er, doing whatever it is that i do for a living. I was also shocked into silence by my near-miss at a hugely tasteless and inappropriate joke which i shall reprint here now. The day after London 'won' the 2012 Olympics over the favourites Paris, I was just about to post "Who's laughing now, Paris, who's laughing now?", when i got a call to turn on the television. I chose not to append a formulaic "....oh". So I kept a bit quiet in any case. I didn't do much frantic phoning round of my friends because there are 13 million people in london on an average working day and only a handful seemed to have been affected. I think, quite frankly, the odds of one of them getting hurt would have been so small, they'd call me first. And besides, i want them all dead.

and speaking of inappropriate responses:


anyway, i've seen precious little about who's really responsible for this. when the Irish used to bomb london in the 70's and 80's, it was because we were occupying part of their country and treating them as second class citizens. They wanted us out and then they'd stop. Now we're being bombed due to an 'ideology of evil' or somesuch. Not cos we're occupying another country or anything, then.

It's a good job the british people aren't racist...

talking to somewhat confused distant relative about the 4th bomber 'yes, well, there ar a lot of Pakistanis in that area' - oh, really? was the bomber Pakistani then? 'er, well, er, the police have not said much'. he was Jamaican, of course.

and she's Indian.

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