
Friday, February 18, 2005

'Ok, so i'd like to carry on growing my hair, i want to get it just above shoulder length really, but thin, you know? my hair is naturally very thick and quite curly so i just need it thinned out and tidied up a bit please. ive been growing it for about 3 months now and its all out of shape, but i'm really trying to get my hair long again, ok?'

-yes, ok. so you want short back and sides?

'no. i want to keep the length, just tidier please. do you understand? i want to grow my hair long but not out, not like a big balloon, alright?

-yes. yes. you want scissor cut? can i use razor?

'scissors i think'

-yes. yes. ok. please remove your glasses.

10 minutes, 12 weeks of hair and 13 euro later, i have a short back and sides.

you fucking monkeycunt.

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