
Friday, January 14, 2005

One last one to be getting on with:

The Blog Machine: Did something happen to you today? Was it odd, quirky or noteworthy in some manner? Did it have a significance you feel would be worth sharing with the world? And can you really be bothered to sit down at a computer and write about it? Naaah. Me neither. Just tell the Blog Machine all about your day, close the lid and watch it churn. Thirty minutes later you will have a perfectly turned out blog entry, by turns smooth, creamy, hard, cheesy or frothy (further settings to be introduced as and when developed by the boffins back in the lab) - guaranteed. Example:

You enter:

'Pub. Beer.'

You get:

'Twas only yesterdiddly soir that I was to have befounded myself at my favourite watering hole (i forget her name. hee haw! no, seriously. It was a pub), in my favourite chair at my favourite bar in said public house of choice. So there I was having this fabulous experience amongst all my favourites and I discovered, to my surprise, that I was asked for an order - perhaps a pint of beer, even a delicious home-cooked style meal to accompany the malted hoppage. I felt, if not panicked, then incredibly flustered and anxious, so answered with the first random thought that came into my head and out of my mouth (and i'm paraphrasing here) - 'Yes'. The barman then asked me the most bizarre follow-up question I have ever had the insert adjective of choice to answer. He wished to be informed as to whether i'd like a pint of lager or bitter. I said, and im giving this to you verbatim - 'just a bit, please, because i don't think i've ever tasted lage'.

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