
Tuesday, January 04, 2005

my resolution this year is to get one new fuck and one new kill every month, something i failed to do no less than twelve times last year (and if i can combine them, all the better/messier). I've also decided, since reading this...

Julian Borger in Washington
Monday January 3, 2005
The Guardian

The United States is preparing to hold terrorism suspects indefinitely without trial, replacing the Guantanamo Bay prison camp with permanent prisons in the Cuban enclave and elsewhere, it was reported yesterday.

The new prisons are intended for captives the Pentagon and the CIA suspect of terrorist links but do not wish to set free or put on trial for lack of hard evidence.

"Since global war on terror is a long-term effort, it makes sense for us to be looking at solutions for long-term problems," Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman, told the Washington Post.

...to be resolute in the face of international terrorism and all it's freedom-hating affiliates. This translates into the practical method of coming down quite hard on anyone who tries to impose their anti-values upon this blog. You will be detained without charge within a special extra-territorial holding pen found within this blog. It is based in heavily guarded international waters and you won't find it so don't bother trying. Naturally I wish nothing to be upset by these democracy-fucking cuntos (tm) so please continue with normal discourse. I lay down no conditions or threats but rest assured, my comments box will be monitored and anything resembling a 'dirty bomb mot' will result in un/due process and possible lifetime cyber-detainment.

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