
Thursday, December 02, 2004

(starting a conversation about my mum, a nurse, finding a new job) :

Rugeley the Younger: What if mum got a job at your company and starting playing Quake III Arena but got really good at it, going on to the Quake III Arena World Championships in Japan next year?

Rugeley: i'd be amazed quite frankly. ......Considering everyone knows she's spent the last 3 years on the Ward refining her skills at Halo with the patients' XBox

Rugeley the Younger: Mum would win every time not because she was good at Halo but because of the patients' inability to hold an XBox joypad properly, due to the fact they were shaking and dribbling too much

Rugeley: i think you'll find that in a majority of cases, the dribbling and shaking was caused by TOO MUCH Xbox gameplay in their youth. (from playing the relatively unknown wartime version of X-Box that was made out of a box. - although Medal Of Honour was more lifelike back then...)


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