
Tuesday, December 07, 2004

OK, I hold my hands up, I watched 'Passion of the Christ' on Sunday. I didnt pay for it mind, it was lent to me, but still...

If not the most anti-Semetic film ever made ('Schindlers List' holds that title - just kidding), then its certainly one of the silliest, most needlessly violent, most childish films ever made. If you've seen Braveheart , just substitute William Wallace for Jesus and fill in the blanks. And in typical Catholic fashion, Jesus seems to have originated from somewhere near Somerset. Despite attempting authenticity by using Aramaic and Latin with subtitles, there appears to be not one black or arab man in the entire film. Of course, the middle east was populated entirely by europeans ! how silly of me! Most of the disciples look like drummers from early 70s rock acts. (was that Cozy Powell as Peter I noticed ? maybe not...) . and naturally, every Jew in the film (apart from Jesus course) looks suitably crooked-nosed and conniving in a 30s Nazi poster kinda way.
The violence is relentless. If you like blood, piss, snot, blood and more blood, you'll love this film. There was so much violence, that I was nearly put off my Monica Belucci wank....you selfish bastard Mel ! if you want to spread your dirty doctrine in the future, how about making a film that kids can go and see ?! Start em early mate...!
ok, so Gibbo's tried to make a personal, authentic, deeply religious film - FAIR ENOUGH. but when he includes a flashback scene which seems to intimate that Jesus invented dinner tables (he truly IS the Son of God) , it's a liberty too far.

*SPOLIER* If you havent seen it and don't want to/can't be bothered to sit through the whole ordeal, just fast-forward to the end (just after the crucifixion) - as his body rises into the sky, a single tear falls onto the ground. aaah, how poetic. but wait !!!! his tear crashes onto the ground, causing an earthquake which shakes the ground and cracks the Temple in two. A devastated Caiphas falls to his knees going 'what have i done?' - JESUS CHRIST !!!!!

I know George Lucas won't be reading this, but if he's thinking of casting any more Jedi Knights for future Star Wars films, he could do far worse than Jim Caviezel. He has the beard, the looks, and has the experience of playing a character with mythical super-powers. (and his light-sabre skills in 'Passion of the Christ' were top-notch.) Come on George, give him a bell !!!

I look forward to the Directors Cut on DVD, where I hear the out-takes are hilarious...


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