
Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I'd like to thank Rugeley for guest blogging for the last 7 days or so. Although not yesterday cos that stuff was just offensive to billions of true believers. I don't think anyone has the right to talk about Mel Gibson in that way. But you can read more about the further adventures of Rugeley on his wildly successful blog when he gets one.
Anyhow, nothing publishable has happened to me in a week or two and i just can't be bothered to make something up, so i'm passing it over to my new guest blogger, a plucky little fellow banged up in some european jail who sent me a fan letter. I think he's got a lot of guts and could well go far. He's actually working on a book and has asked me to publish a few excerpts, just to get some feedback. First post to come above...

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