
Tuesday, November 16, 2004

in the midst of our little Viennese sortie came this highly appropriate Freudian Slip of such gargantuan proportions that i am duty bound to get my own back in a later post when i can work out how to do it without getting the shit kicked out of me and then, more painfully, back in again by the little lady in question.
anyways, whilst teaching her the german numbers from 1 to 12 she suddenly comes out with her system for remembering them. See if you can spot the little seepage of how she really feels.

"Eins" - that's first
"Zwei" - that's like Two
"Drei" - that's like Dry
"Fier" - that's like Fear
"Funf" - I like that one


"Sieben" - that's like Siemens
"Acht" - that's like Achtung Baby
"Neun" - that's like Nine, but 'aNeuing'
"Zehn" - that's Sane
"Elf" - that's like a little elf
"Zwolf" - that's like 'it's a wolf!'

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