
Monday, August 23, 2004

Many years ago, during those mental teenage fumblings self-scathingly known to us as BP (Basic Philosophy), in the company of the (one might say Deep) Fat Friar I wondered aloud if for 10,000 pounds one would be inclined to eat pus for a month. And only pus, mind. No steak and chips for lunch and then pus for dinner. I might have allowed pus and blood, but only when the two cannot be easily separated.

So, i'm putting out a tender to all my bored millionaire friends to put your money where my mouth is - on a great big pile of pus. Let's see this one through. I swear you'll make your 10k back in no time just on the dvd sales. We'll film it like a SuperSize Me style documentary with the twist being that i have to find the pus myself first. I don't just get it at the drive-in take-away. I have to suck it out of teenage faces. Am I some kind of genius or am i some kind of genius? Or am I some kind of genius?

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