
Sunday, July 11, 2004

Brian Auger on Thursday, Simon and Garfunkel on Saturday, the mighty WOMAD next weekend, Patti Smith the week after - I am in questionable music taste heaven. And I shall defend them all to the death if anyone wants to die trying to argue - be my guest.

Did i mention these vaguely descriptive reviews of gigs only I've been to are being published in a major music journal? No?

they aren't of course, nor should they be-


They're for me, like everything on this crusty piece of blog. The funny, the unfunny, the punfunny and the deeply unfunny. It's got to go somewhere, at least as a holding pen before the (s)laughterhouse turns it into dogshit, via dogs. You like it? great. You don't? you can suck my bum you funky bastard. So if somebody wants to read what I write, and im not saying that anyone i know is a literary agent or top light entertainer or ad exec or filmmaker or journalist or any one of a number of professions where, you know, some 'shit' is needed in order to drive the engine, and im not saying ive ever been asked to submit stuff to anyone of those patient, forgiving people, but if they had, then i haven't, because i've not been getting myself around to it. Quite frankly, i've not had the Will to do it before; nor the proper forum; nor the appropriate medium; nor the lack of excusi's; nor the lack of downtime from my demanding willy

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