
Monday, July 19, 2004

As a captain of british industry it is often assumed that I have no time for outside interests. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, my wife and I like nothing better than really top quality Flamenco. You see, Flamenco is truly the heart and soul of Spain. Spain, the dusty orange land of hot reds and fiery yellows, at turns sunny and bright and humid and dusky. Espana, el tierra del sol, la costa del naranja, la plata del flamenenco. Truly great flamenco is where it's at. We don't just like any old flamenco. No. Only the most high quality, premier flamenco will do, as befits those of us who see beyond the spectaclo del flamo to the fire within - the Iberian soul itself. The wild, tangled gypsy expressions of this noble race, forged through centuries of ham-eating, moor-baiting and humiliation at the hands of our own brave imperial Navy. The wandering, fluid spirit of royal Spain runs deep through the lonely, sorrowful Flamenco which is the mark of the very best 'toppo coolo' Flamenco. Hear it calling. Flamenco, flamenco, flamenco. It is the cart, it is the horse, it is the nomad itself. At heart, I am that nomad

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