
Friday, April 23, 2004

Thank you to all the kind people who picked up on my subtle hints of boredom and frustration last week and linked to this site. Thank you to all who followed their advice and visited me. Thank you to all who have been entertained. Last week was started so slowly for me and now i'm full of delight with all the new friends i've made. But i'm moving country this week and doubt i'll have anything to say for a while. In truth ive been moving since december but this week i really am moving. there is no going back. I'll say this once and never again since it's unpleasant and unnecessarily offensive, but i'm moving to IRAland because it's nicer than my country which im proud to say on this st bulldogs day. this country's a bit of a joke and we took a wrong turn around about 1066. london can fuck off. the north can fuck off. the south east can fuck right off. i'll be resuming normal transmission in a few days, where we can all join together and laugh as i take back every last thing i've just said in an imperial fit of revisionist homesickness brought on by some random citizen of the irish republic (YES! A REPUBLIC! AT LAST!) gently taking the piss out of me for being what i am: some cunt from england of the highest and most ridiculous order.

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