
Wednesday, March 03, 2004

It seems there's a few ficts milling around masquerading as faction, so to set the record straight, I'm going to, er, put the record straight.

1. Despite my best efforts to remain otherwise, I am not a virgin.

2. I have never interfered with children except for when they get on my nerves.

3. I am of sound body.

4. My favourite rain is 'drizzle'. My least favourite rain is 'spitting'

5. I have chest pains but it's nothing to worry about.

6. I have 20! 20! Vi-shuuuuun (please sing this one)

7. I am NOT the god of hellfire and I do NOT bring you fire

8. I never said I wanted to set off a nuclear bomb up George Bulsh's arse just to get US government traffic to this blog.

9. I said Nucular. Totally different.

10. I have danced with a man. And I enjoyed it but in a different way to with a woman.

11. Vacuum-sealed bags of Matteson's Black Man's Willies do not haunt me in my dreams. Anymore.

12. I do this for the self-esteem.

13. There's no grand plan. Except a publishing deal.

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