
Sunday, January 25, 2004

Trying to write a post and stick it up whilst refreshing the blogger screen to see if I can see my name up on the fresh blogs section, I have repeatedly failed. However, I have come across a very interesting blog called Girl with a one-track mind which seems to me to be an accurate description of a young lady from London who's completely obsessed with fucking. What strikes me as odd is this (now public) complete obsession - am I too cynical to take it at face value? Is anything at all to do with sex on the web genuine? Surely it's either a some filthy-minded male one-handed writer or a strange new piece of viral marketing - Ann Summers maybe? Whatever the truth, it's interesting, well-written and balanced with just enough smut, gossip, humour and mundanity to keep me reading. Now if you can just take your hands off your cunt for 5 minutes and update please because I'm interested now you diiiiiiiiirty slaaaaaaaaaag

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